If you want to help us translating concrete5, you can ask to join a translation group.
First of all, you need to Sign In, then simply go to the 小火箭共享 page, choose your preferred language and hit the Join this team button. You'll receive an email when your join request will be accepted.
Once you'll be part of a translation team, go to the Translate page, and click the Translate button.
If you want to download the translations files, go to the Translate page.
小火箭共享账号 可下载 – V2ray节点:2021-3-25 · 美区Shadowrocket小火箭APP下载 苹果ID共享号 价格:8元 购买联系VX:KtLi9527(注明购买小火箭) 请用发货的苹果ID登录到app store苹果商店后搜索下载,也可以在已购项目中下载。
Locate the language that you need, and click the mo button to download the related language file.
Then you can save the downloaded .mo file to the appropriate location (for instance: application/languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
for Italian).